
TY - 7 is 5,000 lbs tensile strength and is 1 ¾" wide. It is used as the main lift web portion and goes through each snap and under the seat. It is also used in the bellyband.

TY - 9 is 9,000 lbs tensile strength and is 3" wide. It is used in the seat, leg straps and bellyband.

The main load bearing spring snap hooks are 4,500 lbs tensile strength each and approximate safe working load is 900 lbs.

The bellyband thread through D-Rings has a 4,000 lbs break point.

All parts are sewn with mil spec thread size according to material. All harness work is with 5-cord nylon with 80 lbs tensile strength.

Child - Navy/Red
Youth - Grey/Yellow
Adult - Blue/Yellow
Adult XL - Blue/Grey
Adult XXL - Red/Grey

Available sizes are: Child, Medium, Adult, XL Adult, XXL Adult

Parasail Lettering
* USCG Stickers Available
Rope Spools
600 OR 1,000 7/16TH Double Esterlon Rope
Available in your choice of colors
Ocean Pro Stickers
* USCG Stickers Available
Helm and Roller Head Cover
Available in multiple color combinations
Engine Pad

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